
The power of wind unlocked

Wind Energy Automation Solutions
Wind energy is an important element of renewable energy, a sector that is fast expanding in tune with favourable government policies and steep targets for cleaning energy. Proper fastening of blades to hub boosts the wind turbine’s structural integrity. Cybernetik’s robotic machining system performs multiple operations to hike accuracy, reduce cycle time, and eliminate rework for root end machining of wind turbine blades.

Grow Your Business

Bring the power of industrial automation to your wind energy business.


Offshore Wind Farms

Onshore Wind Power Plant

Remote Wind Park

Hybrid Wind Power Station

Grid Connected Wind Plant

Near Shore Wind Farm

Process Flow

We develop efficient Turnkey Solutions for your wind energy business

Wind Energy Automation Solutions Assembly Line

The Cybernetik Advantage

Robotic machining system for wind turbine BladeS

  • Robotic systems provide flexibility to handle parts of varying shapes and sizes
  • Data logging for tracking and traceability
  • Reduced cycle time
  • Improved operational safety
  • Better accuracy results in zero / minimal rework
  • Consistent quality
  • Required standards compliance

Automate your Machining System for Wind Turbine Blades

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Equipment Videos

The Manufacturing Process:
Overhead crane loads the blade on the support structure. Laser scanner determines the centre of the blade at the root end to identify the sawing plane.
Robot picks up the sawing tool and cuts out the ring of excess material from blade.
Shuttle system automatically shifts the cut ring outside the canopied machining area.
Robot picks up punching tool and marks location of holes.
Operator manually checks positions of holes.
Robot picks up axial tool and drills axial holes based on coordinates determined by system.
Robot picks up radial tool and drills axial holes based on coordinates determined by system.


Wind energy 01
Root-End Machining for Wind Turbine Blades
Robots provide error-free, robust solutions for machining wind turbines and other wind energy equipment. Robotic Machining System for Wind Turbine…
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Wind turbines & renewable energy 01
Wind Turbines & Renewable Energy
Green Winds Better comprehension of aerodynamics and development of superior materials during the late 20th century revived the utility of…
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About Cybernetik

Successfully delivering turnkey automation solutions since 1989.

Cybernetik is an industrial automation company that blends experience with innovation to design, build, and install end-to-end, customized automation solutions for the food, pharmaceutical, chemical, and manufacturing industries across the world.

Cybernetik was set up as a consultancy in 1989 by a group of engineers from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Madras, India and the State University of New York at Buffalo, USA.

From 10 people operating in less than 100 sq.m. workspace, our footprint in India has expanded to 30,000+ sq.m. across four units, two each in Pune, Maharashtra and Nadiad, Gujarat.

Our global operations are based out of three international offices:

Vietnam (for Southeast Asia), Dubai (for Middle East and Africa) and United States (for North America).

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